Charity No 1098713

If you are reading this page you are possibly contemplating becoming a volunteer and you may have a pet or know someone who has. Being a volunteer makes the re-homing process possible.
With second hand internet sites now available to most who want to recover some cash for their unwanted items, it’s becoming more difficult to operate. Giving a few hours of you time to help can be very rewarding, often new friendships are formed, you may generate your own loyal customers who pop in for a chat. Some of our volunteers do it just for the company; it’s a great way to meet new people.
If you don't try it you'll never know!
We know some older people are put off by the thought of complicated tills, Gift Aid, stock control, etc. I can assure you, the tills and our operating system are very simple and you will be shown in easy stages what is required.
If you are interested please fill out the form and someone will be in touch to discuss how you may like to help.
The only thing stopping you making a difference to your life and the lives of those animals needing a home is You!